Photo courtesy of www.sandyosborndressage.com
Sandy Osborn is a USEF "S" dressage judge and a USDF Gold and Silver medalist who has been a dressage professional since 1980.
Sandy began her dressage career while attending the University of Massachusetts under the instruction of Linda Jaskiel Brown and Sarah Geikie. After graduating, Sandy worked for Kathy Connelly who helped her get started in the "r" judges program. Subsequently Sandy went on to ride and study with such notable professionals as Robert Dover, Jessica Ransehousen and Gerd Reuter. As Director of Equitation at UMass for 8 years, she was influential in building the foundation of some of NEDA's most popular instructors today.
Sandy has studied exclusively with trainer Roel Theunissen since 1996. Through Roel, she found her equine partner of 6 years, Milestone, the first horse with which she was finally able to negotiate the long road to the Grand Prix. That journey culminated with the achievement of qualifying for Devon in their first year at Grand Prix, and then making the cut for the freestyle as well. During the years leading up to the realization of her dream of training her own horse to the GP level, Sandy joined Roel as a trainer in his business outside of Boston.
In 2007, Sandy rejoined Roel and Grand Prix trainer and rider, Adam Lastowka, in Madison, Georgia at the beautiful After the Fox Farm, where all 3 currently base their independent businesses. Sandy is currently campaigning the 2nd horse she has successfully brought to the Grand Prix level, Plato Carlos owned by Danielle Federa of Amherst, Mass.
"As a dressage professional for 30 years, I have boarded in several barns which require everyone to wear a helmet whenever mounted. I was also the Director of Riding at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, Mass for 8 years where it was out of the question to ever mount a horse without a helmet. We were very strongly in the public eye on a daily basis at the university's horse farm and were constantly aware of the example we set for all people who would tour the facility, including prospective students and their families. I firmly believe that we should all wear helmets whenever we sit on a horse."
Learn more about Sandy Osborn at www.sandyosborndressage.com

Sandy Osborn riding Chicco B at After the Fox Farm in Madison, Ga