Time for an update on my trail-riding accident of September 26. Oh, yeah...and just think what could have happened if I hadn't been wearing my blessed Troxel helmet!!
I suffered a fairly serious concussion while riding with a group of more experienced riders who decided to "run" the horses. My sweet Appy and I managed to stay connected until we caught up with the front of the pack waiting around a turn for the rest of us. Sadly, he came to a skidding halt and I continued on, landing on my helmet and knocking myself out.
A trip by ambulance and a several-day stay in the hospital's head trauma unit followed, with my memory of the ride totally erased from my memory. The latest word from the neurosurgeon was today's phone call informing me that my continuing symptoms of vertigo, headaches, nausea, tinnitus, and memory lapses had a name - "Post Concussion Syndrome". Oh, did I mention significant depressive episodes, complete with uncontrolled sobbing? Great. I am looking at therapy in a rehab center. I just retired from teaching this past June and was planning on spending my days loving and riding my own very first horse, not spending my time in a rehab center.
I wish with all my heart that EVERY person who hops on their horse would "buckle up" first. According to my surgeon, the outcome of my accident would most likely been fatal were it not for me being one of the few "wimps" wearing a helmet that day. Everyone's motto should be..."don't leave home without one".