I grew up eventing and always wore a helmet but then transitioned to western disciplines as an adult and stopped wearing one—foolish, I know. My daughter started riding at age 6 and our rule was always “no helmet, no ride”. That was fine until about age 9 when she asked me “If my head is so important, why isn’t yours?” since I wasn’t wearing a helmet. I didn’t have an answer for that one. She asked me then and there to always wear a helmet. I made her that promise and have kept it since.
I’m including a pic of my daughter, age 13, when she just got a little ahead of her horse, he turned unexpectedly, and she came off over his shoulder landing forehead first. I shudder to think what our lives might be like had she not been wearing a helmet. Our entire family, husband included, now ALWAYS wear our helmets. We are often the only people (even including youth!) at a western event wearing them but our brains are too important. I don’t care about what people think as they won’t be the ones at my bedside caring for me should I suffer a traumatic brain injury.
Take care,
Caren Reaves