Becky Hughes is a blogger and riding instructor in the UK who has spent over 20 years in the saddle. Becky shares why she chooses to wear a helmet with some helmet rules of thumb in her latest blog post: Safety First
I grew up learning to ride in the UK alongside my younger sister. As children of non-horsey parents, we were largely left to the care of our riding instructors, but there was one issue our mother was unmoved on: the insistence that we always wear a helmet when riding (this went for bicycles too, and although that’s a separate issue, I still cringe when I see anyone – adult or child – riding a bicycle without a helmet). Mum’s logic is that you only get one head – many other body parts can be easily fixed, but we were taught to treat our helmets with the greatest of care when not wearing them, and that we must put them on and do them up prior to mounting up. It’s the best advice anyone can give.
Helmets have come a long way in terms of style and efficacy within my riding career – I was delighted when helmets with attractive air vents became popular and affordable, and hope to never wear a jockey skull again as a result – but the message still isn’t getting through in certain circles. The main culprits where the dangers are obvious but style seems to still override logic are within dressage and Western riding – many riders still prefer a traditional top hat or stetson in these circumstances. I don’t know what it is that makes these riders feel that they are immune to head injuries, but I’d love to visit each one and inform them that, sadly, they aren’t. As mentioned in my previous post, riding will never be risk free, but the risks can be minimized to an extent.
Below are my helmet rules of thumb, and something I will offer to every person I help into the saddle when pursuing my teaching career:
- Ensure your helmet is fitted and approved – it’s more than just plonking a hat on your head which doesn’t pinch. Every helmet I’ve owned has been checked for fit by appropriate vendors, and always meets current safety standards. Substance beats style hands down here
- Look after your helmet – even when it’s not on your head, that’s your skull and everything which is in it. We are gifted with one skull, one neck and one brain, and it is our responsibility to look after them. Ensure your helmet is cared for and maintained. Replace it if you sustain a blow to the head when falling, even if the helmet doesn’t appear to be visibly damaged. And upgrade your helmet regularly – safety standards change.
- Always use your own – borrowing helmets defeats the point of purchasing one and having it fitted. You also don’t know what has happened to borrowed helmets, whether they have been involved in falls and how safe they really are. That said, a borrowed helmet is better than no helmet – do so if you really have to. I’m proud to say that my helmet has been all over the world – South Africa, Greece, the US – in the cause of protecting my head. They’re a pain to carry around, but a head injury would be a far greater pain
My final thought is this: if I were told I had to get on a horse, but I could only wear one item of clothing from any available in the world, it’d be my helmet. Hands down. If you wear nothing else aboard a horse (and I mean nothing), make it that.
Read Becky's latest post Safety FIrst .